It’s been a crazy and hectic month, visiting with family and friends, celebrating my birthday with old friends and new. We also sweated out a year’s worth of doctor appointments and found out that this lifestyle is definitely good for our health. Now, that wasn’t a surprise.
Kate, our granddaughter has grown so much since we left. She turned three in August and her vocabulary is incredible. She is smart as a whip and has the memory of an elephant. Her favorite new thing is riding in the golf cart with her Grampy.
My first visit (of three) to my Cades Cove was with Kate’s other grandmother and my dear friend, Sue. It was so wonderful to see my favorite place again and have great conversation, as well. Sue was kind enough to invite us for dinner, twice, so we had wonderful food and great company with the kids and grandkid. It was wonderful, catching up with the family.
My second visit to the Cove was with Janey and Jim, who came up from Florida to see our neck of the woods. We had a great week with them, showing them our favorite haunts and our history here in Blount County. While showing them around, I relived some wonderful memories.
My dear friend Peggy, introduced me to my new favorite drink, called the Sylvia. Once again, we solved the world’s problems with one conversation, and I was also able to support her at a political function.
My third visit was with old friends, Trish and Roy, after a wonderful lunch at PawPaws Cajun Kitchen. I’ll never hear the words “Here BAR” again without laughing. Roy and Trish spent a couple of nights out here in their new motorhome. Looking forward to their retirement and doing some traveling together. Of course, we also had our obligatory German dinner together.
The time I got to spend with my mom was invaluable. We were able to take care of several legal issues and spent some great conversations together. I’ll miss her when we leave, but I hope to bring her down to Florida during the cold winter months.
My Birthday turned out to be a perfect one. All I wanted was a campfire with friends and family to celebrate with me and that’s what I got. Trish and Roy, and the fur-divas Mariann and Ginger: Sue and Kate: Janey and Jim: Peggy: and Rinda and family. It was a wonderful evening catching up and spending time with friends that I love.
That was our month in a nutshell. After this weekend of cold and rainy weather, we’re all ready to head for warmer climes.
Paradise Oaks has almost completed their major expansion and we’re looking forward to many fun activities and meeting new friends. We’ll return to Tennessee in April next year instead of October and after that, who knows?