So, Change number 312 involves our timeline. Instead of moving out the last week of March, our new move out date is St. Patrick's Day, March 17. This will give the contractors two weeks without us underfoot to finish their projects and get the floors done.
Of course, it puts more pressure on me to get things done, organized and moved out. With a lot of help, we've gotten most everything to be donated already gone. we now have two piles. One is storage - things that we'll store at my mom's house. In addition, since we have so much stuff to move into the RV that we haven't gotten back yet from the dealer, we've decided to put everything that's going into the RV in tubs to be held at my mom's house. This means that once we move in, I can get one or two tubs a day and put things away at my leisure, instead of tripping over things.
One important lesson I've learned... I have scanned in three decades of photos. I did all the most important albums first. By the time I got to pictures that we may want but are not as important in sentimental value, i put 6 to 8 pictures on the scanner flatbed and scanned them together in one jpeg. It made the job go a lot faster.
One big project I justhave to brag about - we got our basement cleaned out! This was the throw all for 28 years and it looked like a hoarder's paradise. (no offense meant to any hoarders out there). Hubby kept one tub full of important tools. My sister got a few things, and our contractor is buying most of out big tools and taking the cost out of what I'm paying her. The rest? It took three of us all day to empty it out and throw it in the ditch for pick up, but it's done! I've been dreading it because it was so full, but it's done. What relief! Below are a few before and after pictures of our walls.