So, after Dave took a rest, we pulled down the golf cart to drive around and look at all the gorgeous campsites.
The campground also has walking paths in the forest, that Dave decided we needed to take in the gold cart. I tried to caution him not to, but he said it was fine. So, off we went in the forest. There was a noticeable trail for a bit, but it started getting more and more like there was no trail. I kept telling Dave we should turn around, but he doesn’t back down from a challenge. So, Chacho and I were scratched by the wild rose bushes that hit us and we went over logs and God knows what else. He finally saw RVs in the distance, so he headed straight for there, without following any kind of trail. I kept saying that this was a bad idea, but he was having fun, and hubby is not one to back away from a challenge (watch this - sound familiar?). Soon, we arrived at the back of several campsites. Looking ahead, I saw a ditch and black soil so I told him that this looked like wetlands and we shouldn’t try to cross it because we’d get stuck.
Anyone want to guess what happened?. And take a second guess what happened next. Yep, we got stuck in the ditch with black, sucking mud all around us. We spent ten minutes trying to get it out of the ditch by pushing, putting wood underneath it, nothing. All we got for our trouble was full of black mud and lots of mosquitoes. At that point, we knew we needed to get the truck to pull it out. Of course we had both dogs with us and no leashes, so we had to carry them. Luckily, across the street a couple was watching us and came to meet us out in the street. He had a jeep and pulled the golf cart out.
We chatted for a while and invited them over later for a beer to thank them. In the meantime, Dave drove us back and he took the golf cart around back and washed it again, after I had washed it the day before. I went in and cleaned my black feet. My shoes are still outside, waiting for Dave to clean them.
Then, I went to Meijers to get some dinner and some beer. Of all the cliches, I slipped on a banana peel in the store and landed on my ass. It wasn’t a whole one, just a piece. Of course, the employees cam rushing over, wanting to take a report, etc. , but I was ok, other than wrenching my back a little. So, I got to go home and tell Dave that story.
The only thing I regret is that Dave had my phone during the towing experience. I would have loved to take a picture of that and send it to you all. But he wouldn’t hand it over. I guess he knows how wicked I am :) The good news is that my mosquito bites aren’t bad and we had a great laugh about it. This story is definitely one for the books!