We had the heartbreaking task of saying goodbye to our beloved Sage today.
Sage has been a part of our lives since we first met her in 2011. She stole my heart the minute I saw her and her Daddy was not far behind.
Through the years, Sage has been at my side through good times and bad. She was there when we expanded our four-legged family, and she was there to say goodbye, as we lost them. She learned how to be a Diva from her sister Brenna. Her big brother, Quincey, always took care of her and she loved to play with him. Oscar was her little buddy and they would sleep together in one bed. Whenever I took her to my mom's house to visit Oscar, she would always perk up.
She drove every piece of machinery we've ever had, from our first motorhome, to our jeep to our second motorhome to our truck and our golf cart. She loved driving the golf cart. She always looked around like she was checking for traffic.