We learned how to be nomads and to live each day to the fullest. This past year gave us so many opportunities to witness and wonders to see. We made new friends who transcend location and we share our lives joyously on social media. We saw God's beauty at work in the most unlikely places. We learned to communicate with our hearts without saying a word and I realized, once again, that I'm sharing this adventure with my best friend and soul mate. How lucky I am. This year also saw my mom learn the joy and peace of our lifestyle as she shared a holiday with us.
As we start a new year, I'm excited to see what the future holds for us. We're loving our winter's rest - an opportunity to settle for a while and redevelop the sense of community that keeps us anchored in the real world. New friends are a treasure and fill my heart. Old friends are always, just a click away. We may not be together, but they are always in my heart.
The pain of being away from family was made easier with new technology. Although it pains us to be away from them, we hope that we're setting a good example of living our life's dream.
What will this new Year hold for us? Our word for the year is EXPLORE. Moving away from the tourist traps and learning about secret places is our goal. We want to continue to see this wonderful world in a new light and take something away from each experience. We hope that sharing our experiences will make this world a little better.