One of my favorite authors, DB McNicol states, "I am participating in the #AccountaClub hosted by I. L. Wolf where we post weekly, on Fridays, how we are doing with our goals.
So, I'm starting a Monthly Check-in on our blog. Once a month, sometime during the first week (preferably the first, but hey, who's checking), I will post my replies to the categories listed below.
I hope you will join in the fun! I've used items from both Denise's and Red's lists for a total of 25.
Here are the categories for you to copy and save. Just blog your first thoughts - don't spend a lot of time on this, skip a category if nothing comes to mind quickly:"
So, I'm starting a Monthly Check-in on our blog. Once a month, sometime during the first week (preferably the first, but hey, who's checking), I will post my replies to the categories listed below.
I hope you will join in the fun! I've used items from both Denise's and Red's lists for a total of 25.
Here are the categories for you to copy and save. Just blog your first thoughts - don't spend a lot of time on this, skip a category if nothing comes to mind quickly:"
- ENJOYING the beautiful weather here in Michigan's Upper Peninsula. Being right on the shores of Lake Michigan makes the breeze cooling.
- MAKING room in our bays below by cleaning out.
- COOKING brats again for dinner. I found the German style brats here at the local grocery store and stocked up for the next month. We can't get enough.
- DRINKING my Crystal Light. I really should stop and drink more water, but I just can't seem to stop. I think I'm addicted.
- READING the Brainrush series by Richard Bard on my Kindle. Have I mentioned how much I love my Kindle?
- WANTING my Sage to feel better. She kept me up all night last night and hasn't been herself today. I know the day will come when I have to say goodbye, but I'm not ready to let go of her.
- LOOKING out at the waves cresting on the Lake and the trees bending in the wind.
- PLAYING Lollipop Match 3 on my tablet. I am an addict.
- BUYING lounge chairs for more comfort outside. Now to help Dave understand his old chair needs to go.
- WISHING that we could spend another week here - the campground and weather is so wonderful.
- FOLLOWING my dear friend, Donna on all her blogs. Guess I'll need to include Stu now with his blog :)
- WAITING for bedtime. After last night, I'm beat. And we travel to Wisconsin tomorrow.
- LIKING waking up and wondering where I am.
- WONDERING how the weather will be by the time we get to the Dakotas.
- LOVING my family.
- CONSIDERING how to keep streamlining our life to make it easier than it already is.
- WATCHING Moonshiners cause hubby has the remote.
- HOPING that I can steal the remote back.
- SMELLING the sea air.
- WEARING my nightgown.
- NEEDING sleep
- HEARING the waves crash onto the beach. There's nothing that lulls me into a zen state more than that.
- THINKING that I sure hope we don't get swarmed with the famous biting flies and mosquitoes when we head to Wisconsin.
- NOTICING all the RVs pulling out of the campground, to go back to their lives.
- KNOWING that I'm enjoying my life right here and don't have to leave the campground to go back to a house.